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Class that is able to run a list of checkup tasks.

Kind: global class

new CheckupTaskRunner(options)

Create a CheckupTaskRunner.

optionsRunOptionsrun options that may specify the following items:
options.cwdstringThe path referring to the root directory that Checkup will run in
options.config?CheckupConfigUse this configuration, overriding .checkuprc if present.
options.configPath?stringUse the configuration found at this path, overriding .checkuprc if present.
options.categories?Array.<string>Runs specific tasks specified by category. Can be used multiple times.
options.excludePaths?Array.<string>Paths to exclude from checkup. If paths are provided via command line and via checkup config, command line paths will be used.
options.groups?Array.<string>Runs specific tasks specified by group. Can be used multiple times.
options.listTasks?booleanIf true, list all available tasks to run.
options.tasks?Array.<string>Runs specific tasks specified by the fully qualified task name in the format pluginName/taskName. Can be used multiple times.
options.pluginBaseDir?stringThe base directory where Checkup will load the plugins from. Defaults to cwd.

checkupTaskRunner.taskErrorKind โ‡’ ErrorKind

Get the task's error kind

Kind: instance property of CheckupTaskRunner

checkupTaskRunner.hasTaskFilter โ‡’ boolean

Check if user provides task filter by using task, category or group

Kind: instance property of CheckupTaskRunner

checkupTaskRunner.getAvailableTasks() โ‡’

Get a list of task names that are able to run.

Kind: instance method of CheckupTaskRunner
Returns: - a list of fully qualified task names.