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Using Analyzers

Analyzers allow you to perform custom checks on your code. Checkup provides a number of built-in analyzers, but you can also create your own.

Built-in Analyzers

Some of the built-in analyzers are:

  • Generic AST Analyzer
  • ESLint Analyzer
  • Ember Template Lint Analyzer
  • StyleLint Analyzer
  • TypeScript Analyzer
  • JavaScript Analyzer
  • HandleBars Analyzer
  • Dependency Analyzer
  • JSON Analyzer

Analyzers are used in your Tasks to provide a consistent AST parsing and traversing mechanism.

Using Analyzers

Below is an example of using the JavaScript analyzer:

import { BaseTask, Task, TypeScriptAnalyzer } from '@checkup/core';
import { Result } from 'sarif';

export default class DemoTask extends BaseTask implements Task {
taskName = 'demo-task';
taskDisplayName = 'Deme Task';
description = 'A task for demonstration purposes';
category = 'best practices';

async run(): Promise<Result[]> {
let source = await this.readFile('some-file.ts');
let analyzer = new TypeScriptAnalyzer(source);

// Analyze the AST

// Gather and populate data into results

return this.results;