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Writing a Validation Task

Writing a Validation Task

Similar to migration tasks, validation tasks are a specialized type of task that are use to ensure your project conforms to a set of requirements.

Some examples of validation tasks include

  • ensuring your project has a group of related dependencies that match a minimum verison set
  • validating whether your project is a valid ESM package
  • ensuring that your project contains a valid set of configuration and packages for accessibility testing
  • many more...

Validation tasks are a subclass of the BaseTask class, and have migration-specific methods and properties that make writing them easier. More details on what's included in this class can be found in the BaseValidationTask documentation.

A simple migration task

Below is a simple example of a validation task.

import { BaseValidationTask, Task, TaskContext } from '@checkup/core';
import { Result } from 'sarif';

export default class MyValidationTask
extends BaseValidationTask
implements Task
taskName = 'my-validation';
taskDisplayName = 'My Validation';
description = 'Validates a package';
category = 'validation';

constructor(pluginName: string, context: TaskContext) {
super('My Validation', pluginName, context);


this.addValidationStep('First step is valid', () => {
return {
isValid: validateFirstStep(),

this.addValidationStep('Second step is valid', () => {
return {
isValid: validateSecondStep(),

async run(): Promise<Result[]> {
let validationResults = await this.validate();

// iterating the validation results and explicitly adding to the SARIF log
// will allow consumers to add additional properties to the results
for (let [messageText, validationResult] of validationResults) {
this.addValidationResult(messageText, validationResult.isValid);

return this.results;
const { BaseValidationTask, Task, TaskContext } = require('@checkup/core');

module.exports = class MyValidationTask extends BaseValidationTask {
taskName = 'my-validation';
taskDisplayName = 'My Validation';
description = 'Validates a package';
category = 'validation';

constructor(pluginName, context) {
super('My Validation', pluginName, context);


this.addValidationStep('First step is valid', () => {
return {
isValid: validateFirstStep(),

this.addValidationStep('Second step is valid', () => {
return {
isValid: validateSecondStep(),

async run() {
let validationResults = await this.validate();

// iterating the validation results and explicitly adding to the SARIF log
// will allow consumers to add additional properties to the results
for (let [messageText, validationResult] of validationResults) {
this.addValidationResult(messageText, validationResult.isValid);

return this.results;

Coupling this with the pretty formatter, we can get a full picture of the scope of our validation.

$ [yarn|npx] checkup run . --task my-validation --format pretty

Checkup report generated for checkup-app v1.3.0 (46 files analyzed)

This project is 100 days old, with 90 days active days, 375 commits and 46 files.

Checkup ran the following task(s) successfully:

My Validation
Validation passed
โœ” First step is valid
โœ” Second step is valid