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Checkup uses a .checkuprc file to configure the behaviour of the tool. The file is located in the root of the project.

Configuration file

You can create a configuration file by running the following command:

npx checkup generate config
yarn checkup generate config

This will generate a .checkuprc file in the current directory, with the following contents:

"$schema": "",
"excludePaths": [],
"plugins": [],
"tasks": {}


You can exclude paths from the analysis by adding them to the excludePaths array, which is a comma separated list of paths.


Plugins can be configured by adding them to the plugins array. Each plugin is a string that represents the name of the plugin.


Tasks can be individually configured by adding them to the tasks object. The key is the name of the task, and the value is either a string or a tuple:


"$schema": "",
"excludePaths": [],
"plugins": [],
"tasks": {
"plugin-name/my-task": "off",
"plugin-name/my-other-task": [
"some-option": "some-value"