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Command Line Interface

The following are some of the most commonly used commands:

Get help information

[yarn|npx] checkup --help

Run all configured Tasks in the current directory

[yarn|npx] checkup run .

Run checkup using a custom configuration path or URL

By path:

[yarn|npx] checkup run --config ./some/path/.checkuprc


[yarn|npx] checkup run --config

Run a single Task

[yarn|npx] checkup run . --task my-task

Run Tasks by category

[yarn|npx] checkup run . --category my-category

Run Tasks by group

[yarn|npx] checkup run . --group my-group

Provide a custom format for output

[yarn|npx] checkup run . --format checkup-formatter-pretty

Specify a different plugin directory to load plugins from

[yarn|npx] checkup run . --plugin-base-dir ./my-plugin-dir

Generate a config file

[yarn|npx] checkup generate config

Generate a plugin project

[yarn|npx] checkup generate plugin my-plugin

Generate a task in a plugin directory

[yarn|npx] checkup generate task my-task

Generate actions in a plugin directory

[yarn|npx] checkup generate action my-action